In January to September 2006 the Azerbaijani Finances Ministry has repaid to the public-political and international financial organizations some $4.8mln in fees‚ Trend reports. In general, the public budget assignments in 2006 comprise 8.4mln manats (some $9.3mln).
Some 1.71mln manats ($1.9mln) of the total 4.5mln manats, allocated for the international financial organizations has been repaid. At the same time, 2.61mln manats ($2.9mln) of the total 3.1mln manats allocated for repayment of membership fees for pubic-political organizations has been reemitted.
The largest share of payments to be made to the financial organizations falls on the Black Sea Bank for Trade and Development (BBTD) 1.3mln manats. Azerbaijan will also conclude the subscription to shares of the banks through repayment of this sum. The country's share in the bank is 6mln SDR‚ including 2mln SDR to be remitted immediately after the ratification of an Agreement on Azerbaijan's membership at the BBTD. Taking into consideration the country's debts in fees to the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in 2006 it is planned settle part of this sum and 1.1mln manats is assigned in this respect. The repayments for membership at the International Monetary Fund comprise 225,000 manats and the World 900,000 manats, the Asian Bank for Development 270,000 manats and the Islamic Development Bank 90,000 manats.
The most part of fees (760,000 manats) is allocated for the Council of Europe among all public-political organizations and over 9 months 560,000 manats of the total has been paid. A total of 400,000 manats is assigned for CIS with the consideration of all CIS bodies in 2006 and 330,000 manats has been paid, including the Parliamentary Assembly of CIS 108,000 manats and the CIS Execute Committee 150,000 manats. The remittances to the Organization of Islamic Conference constituted 558,000 manats, UNIDO 154,000 manats, FAO 130,000 manats, UNESCO Secretary General 329,000 manats, the World Health Organization 110,000 manats, OSCE 54,000 manats, BSEC 49,000 manats, the Parliamentary Assembly of BSEC 33,000 manats, etc.
Azerbaijan holds members in some 50 organizations.