Tallinn, Estonia, Oct.26
By Leman Zeynalova - Trend:
Azerbaijan is an alternative source to ensure energy security of the European Union (EU), said Vusal Gasimli, Executive Director at Azerbaijani Center for Economic Reforms and Communication.
He made the remarks on behalf of Azerbaijan delegation during the panel discussions held as part of the 4th Eastern Partnership Business Forum Digital Economy: Innovative Platform for Transparent Borderless Business in Tallinn.
"Azerbaijan switched to new economic model. We started our main economic reforms agenda. Our first direction is of course institutional reforms. Within the last one year Azerbaijan has established a lot of new institutions like financial stability council, center for analysis of economic reforms and communication and other institutional setups to run, to accelerate economic reforms in Azerbaijan," said Gasimli.
He went on to add that the second direction is the improvement of business environment.
"Over the last one year, Azerbaijan provided more than 200 amendments to Tax Code, as well as to the Customs Code.
For our efforts in this field, World Economic Forum ranked Azerbaijan 35th country among 140 countries. According to Global Competitiveness Report, Azerbaijan is the best among CIS countries as well," he added.
The third direction is business initiatives, said Gasimli, adding that today Azerbaijan provides about 60 agroparks, technoparks, industrial parks.
"The last point is our strategic roadmaps. We give big opportunity to Azerbaijani business to be involved in global economy," he added.
Gasimli noted that Azerbaijan is the largest trade partner of the EU in the South Caucasus.
"Azerbaijan involved more European investment in the South Caucasus. Azerbaijan is an alternative source to ensure energy security of EU. We are looking forward for new perspectives in terms of cooperation with EU," he added.