Russia has offered to reduce the electricity supply to Azerbaijan during the busy period from 300MW to 60MT, which is not agreeable to Azerbaijan. They proposed an increase of tariffs for imported electricity. Representatives of the Unified Energy System EES Russia' will visit Azerbaijan in due course for talks relating to this issue, Trend has been informed by the Azerenerji Company.
Should Russia decrease its electricity supply, this can be purchased from Iran. Furthermore, opportunities for the energy supply of the northern regions by Russia and southern regions by Iran are under consideration. However, the purchase of Russian energy will depend on its price.
Until 30 November 2006, Azerbaijan will sell electricity to Russia at the price of 1.6 cents per KW/h at a volume of 350 mln KW/h during the evening period. Russia, in turn will deliver electricity to Azerbaijan at a price of 3,6 cents per 1bln KW/h during the day.
Last year Russia exported 1,033 bln KW/h of electricity to Azerbaijan. The deliveries were carried out at the price of 2.8 cents per 1 KW/h.