
Azerbaijan on path of digitalization of economy

ICT Materials 16 April 2020 14:55 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 16

By Sadraddin Agjayev - Trend:

Today, digital technologies are fully used in Azerbaijan and the country is already on the path of digital transformation, CEO of Azerbaijan’s AzerTelecom company, internet backbone provider, Fuad Allahverdiyev told Trend.

“The Azerbaijani leadership does a lot for the digitalization of the economy and the formation of the new Azerbaijani economy on its basis,” the CEO said. “Azerbaijan has already become a transport and energy hub connecting Asia with Europe. The work is underway to turn our country into a digital and technological hub.”

"Amid the current global changes and the new conditions caused by the pandemic, Azerbaijan’s main goal is to build a digital economy and increase the country's competitiveness by ensuring technological independence and infrastructure security, increasing the country's investment attractiveness and information sovereignty," Allahverdiyev added.

“Amid global changes and the fight against the pandemic, Azerbaijan faces the challenges of reaching new horizons of economic development,” the CEO said. “As in developed countries, the digitalization of the economy in Azerbaijan and the introduction of innovations is a priority.”

“The favorable geographical position of the country, natural resources, human potential, as well as state programs, decrees and orders adopted by the president in recent years, have created all the conditions for the implementation of these projects,” Allahverdiyev said.

“The main goal here is to introduce digital technologies in all spheres of public life, beginning from various sectors of the economy and ending with the urban infrastructure, with an emphasis on five main spheres, namely, education, infrastructure, information security, scientific and technological development, and regulation,” the CEO said.

“The most important moment in the field of education is the improvement of the system that provides the digital economy with qualified personnel,” the CEO said. “The population of the country must have the appropriate “digital” competence. Amid the current pandemic, we see the need to transfer the education system to an exclusively remote mode.”

“In the field of infrastructure development, the priority is the creation of a single system that will help store and process all data,” Allahverdiyev said. “Building such a digital economy is closely linked to sustainable infrastructure. The modern technological infrastructure is the basis of digitalization and the digital economy.”

“The development of cybersecurity will protect user data from both internal and external influences, which is seen as necessary amid a growing number of data leaks worldwide,” the CEO said. “This requires raising public awareness of information security. At the same time, all hospitals, schools, universities and settlements in the country must have broad access to the internet.”

“Supporting research in the field of scientific and technological development of the digital economy ensures the development of the latest technologies,” the CEO said. “Such technologies include artificial intelligence, robotics, digital medicine, virtual reality and assistive technology, big data, quantum technologies and blockchain.”

“It is also necessary to develop a digital economy and introduce new technologies to create a regulatory environment in which there will be no obstacles to their use," Allahverdiyev said.


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