A German diplomat has travelled to Yemen to help negotiate the release of a family kidnapped earlier this year, the foreign office confirmed on Sunday, DPA reported.
"The trip is part of the intensive efforts by the emergency task force to achieve a solution to this case," a ministerial spokeswoman said in Berlin, confirming reports by Yemeni news agency Saba.
Juergen Chrobog, formerly Germany's most senior career diplomat who co-headed the Foreign Office, was himself kidnapped with his family in Yemen, in 2005.
The foreign office gave no new information about the condition of the hostages, a German family of five who were abducted in June. The couple, who disappeared with their three young children, worked in a hospital in the province of Saada.
The bodies were later found of two other German women and a Korean, who were shot after being abducted at the same time.
A British national is also still missing in Yemen.