
Turkey to make 'necessary contribution' to protect Libyan people

Türkiye Materials 20 March 2011 04:39 (UTC +04:00)

Ankara is closely following the developments in the ongoing military operation against Libya, TRT World reported.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her British counterpart have telephoned Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu to give information on the recent developments in the military intervention of the coalition forces against Libya.

The Turkish Foreign Ministry said in statement released on its website, "Turkey will make the necessary and appropriate national contribution on grounds that the operation will protect the interest of the Libyan people, the eternal brother of Turkey, and provide them salvation."

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Foreign Secretary William Hague held a telephone conversation with Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu during which they took up the details of an extraordinary meeting held in Paris on Libya on Saturday.

Davutoglu said that from the beginning Turkey always says an international respond against the civilian killings in Libya should be based on a collective regional participation, providing the ground for an international legitimacy.

Davutoglu said the military operation basically targets the prevention of the violence against the civilians in Libya and aims to stop killings of the civilians.

"Within that framework the necessary preparations and studies are being made by civil and military authorities in co-ordination," the statement added.

Turkey has been calling for an immediate ceasefire in Libya. But, after the UN Security Council decision authorizing military action the office of Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan said in a statement that the resolution was binding on all countries.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday he had urged Muammar Gaddafi to appoint a president with popular support as a way to end Libya's crisis.

