(thespoof.com) - Hot pop musical artist Britney Spears has made sexual verbal ogling towards reality star Kim Kardashian. It has been reported the Britney Spears is a big fan of the lowly rated reality show. The strange and bewildering thing about this story is that Britney watches this show to feel better about her own life. "She said she loves me and loves my butt and how she wants to be my lesbian lover. It's totally freaked me out," Kim said. "I mean, what do you say other than 'no thanks.' Actually, maybe I would do it for a million bucks!"The TV gossip rag TMZ reports Kevin Federlin is creating a file of the pop princess as evidence that he is a better provider of love for Britney's children. Federline's lawyer told TMZ, "At this point Michael Jackson would be a more responsible parent."K-Fed is still unemployed and needs the children's $20,000 per month child support. K-Fed says, "20K doesn't buy what it used to. All I want is enough to have a double wide in Malibu. Smokes in one hand. Old Milwaukee in the other hand and some new rich chick in the other hand ... If that doesn't work, I can just hitch my Ford 250 to my house and roll away."