
Uzbekistan announces start of vaccination against COVID-19

Uzbekistan Materials 15 February 2021 18:13 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Feb. 15

By Klavdiya Romakayeva - Trend:

Uzbekistan plans to start vaccination against coronavirus on a voluntary basis in the first half of March, Trend reports referring to the Service of Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare and Public Health in Uzbekistan.

Earlier it was reported that citizens from the following risk groups will be the first to receive the vaccine:

- elderly people aged over 65;

- people with chronic diseases;

- medical workers;

- employees of kindergartens, schools and universities;

- employees of the internal affairs bodies who are in direct contact with the population.

It was noted that mass vaccination of the population will begin after the citizens from the mentioned risk groups are vaccinated.

In addition, vaccination 3,138 vaccination rooms and 820 mobile teams have already been created in medical institutions in Karakalpakstan, in the regions and Tashkent city in order to vaccinate the population against coronavirus.

According to the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, Uzbekistan is currently negotiating with 12 leading manufacturers of vaccines against coronavirus. In July, after the successful completion of clinical trials, it is planned to purchase the vaccine from the Chinese Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical.

Also, the Uzbek authorities decided to certify the Russian 'Sputnik V' coronavirus vaccine. This process should be completed by early March.


Follow the author on Twitter: @romakayeva

