TASHKENT, Uzbekistan, March 19. Uzbekistan ranked 58th in the updated Global Firepower rating for 2025.
The data obtained by Trend from Global Firepower rating shows that the
nation holds a
Power Index score of 1.1121 with a score of 0.0000 being considered
exceptional in the GFP annual assessment.
Uzbekistan's military forces are rolling out with a fleet of 192 aircraft vehicles. The military has its hands full with 58 combat aircraft vehicles, 13 attack aircraft vehicles, 13 fixed-wing transport, 7 trainers, 101 helicopters, and 34 attack helicopters in its arsenal.
Uzbekistan’s army ranked second out of all other countries of the Central Asian region in terms of the strength of the armed forces. Kazakhstan took the leading position ranking 57th. The army of Turkmenistan ranked 77th, Kyrgyzstan - 105th, while Tajikistan took 108th place in the rating.
A total of 145 countries are included in the GFP list. The top three positions are traditionally taken by the US, Russia and China.
Global Firepower incorporated factors such as manpower, airpower, land power, naval power, logistics, and financial performance into its rankings.
An important place is given to the size of the military budget, external debt, foreign exchange reserves of a country, and its purchasing power.