Azerbaijan, Baku, September 10 / Trend , E.Tariverdiyeva /
Changes in the U.S. personnel policy in the post-Soviet countries can testify a change in the strategy of the new American administration, the General Director of the Information Analytical Center at Moscow State University Alexey Vlasov said.
"Changing the personnel of diplomatic missions in several countries of the former Soviet Union is due to the fact that people will identify a specific strategy, which may be very different from the strategy of the previous administration," Vlasov told Trend by telephone from Moscow.
The U.S. Ambassador to Georgia John Tefft left Georgia on September 9. GeorgiaTimes reported with reference to the American Embassy that John Tefft served as ambassador to Georgia for four years. He was replaced in Tbilisi by John Bass.
New U.S. ambassador will arrive in Georgia in a month, after which he will be officially appointed ambassador.
Currently several authoritative U.S. ambassadors in the post-Soviet countries are changed. Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia has not been officially appointed yet.
According to Vlasov, the strategy of the new administration of President Barack Obama will be determined closer to the mid of his first term.
Of course, the post-Soviet countries are not in the first place in the system of Obama's priorities, according to Vlasov.
Now, it is more important to resolve issues linked with the sad situation with the U.S. economy, to devise a new strategy for relations with China and implement the restart of relations with Russia, the expert said.
It is premature to talk on Obama's other accents, said Vlasov.
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