
Kazakhstan lifts restrictions on petroleum products export

Oil&Gas Materials 18 May 2020 17:10 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 18

By Nargiz Sadikhova - Trend:

Kazakhstan has undertaken unprecedented measures to support country’s oil refining industry, Kazakhstan’s Vice Minister of Energy Asset Magauov said, Trend reports with reference to the ministry.

Magauov said that petrol consumption in the country amounted to 1.2 million tons over the period from Jan. to Apr. 2020, which is 9 percent less than during the same period of last year.

Consumption in Apr. 2020 reached 222,000 tons, which is 30 percent less than in Feb. 2020 (319,600 tons).

Magauov said that Kazakhstan’s government has taken a number of measures to support country’s oil refining industry which include:

- suspension of restrictions on transporting petroleum products via road transport outside the country;

- suspension of prohibition on exporting petroleum products (including diesel and cars petrol) outside the Eurasian Customs Union (EACU);

- exemption producers of gasoline and diesel fuel sold for export from paying excise taxes;

- introduction of restrictions on railway supplies of petrol and diesel fuel from Russia to Kazakhstan;

- zeroing the rates of export customs duties on petroleum products, including gasoline, diesel fuel and fuel oil

The measures taken are aimed at eliminating overstocking of fuel and lubricants storage facilities, as well as at ensuring uninterrupted operation of oil refineries, Magauov said.


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