
Baku hosts trilateral meeting with Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian religious leaders (UPDATE)

Society Materials 26 April 2010 13:09 (UTC +04:00)
Baku is hosting a trilateral meeting of religious leaders from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia this week.
Baku hosts trilateral meeting with Azerbaijani, Armenian and Russian religious leaders (UPDATE)

Editor's Note: Three religious leaders' statements have been added

Azerbaijan, Baku, April 26 / Trend M. Aliyev /

Baku is hosting a trilateral meeting of religious leaders from Azerbaijan, Armenia and Russia this week.

Head of the Caucasus Moslems Clerical Office Sheikulislam Haji Allahshukur Pashazade, Catholicos of All-Armenia Karekin II and Patriarch of Moscow and All-Russia Kirill met at the World Summit of Religious Leaders in Baku.
"Discussions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani Nagorno-Karabakh conflict have intensified. Leaders played a significant role," Patriarch Kirill said. He added that, despite the difficulties, there are prospects to resolve the conflict. "We are not political leaders. But as religious leaders, we can influence the resolution of the conflict with our prayers."

Meanwhile, the Caucasian Muslims Office head thanked the Russian patriarch for his efforts at mediation efforts.

"I believe that all problems in the Caucasus, including the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, will be resolved in a peaceful and fair manner. I am sure that you [Karekin II] will also make efforts to ensure that this problem does not have a religious character," Pashazade said.

The main thing is to continue efforts toward the resolving of the conflict, Karekin II said at the meeting.

"We are servants of the God's word. As religious leaders, we must unite efforts to establish peace in Karabakh. We must prevent the possibility of transforming the conflict into a religious confrontation," he said.

