
Nearly 500 supporters of CPU, SPU and Bloc Vitrenko Protest against NATO

Politics Materials 31 March 2008 15:17 (UTC +04:00)

Ukraine, Kiev, 31 March /corr. Trend Z.Novotovski / Nearly 500 supporters of the Communist Party of Ukraine, Social Party of Ukraine and Bloc Vitrenko protest against NATO in square Maydan Nezalejnosti in Kiev. They commenced their demonstration at about 09:00 (with local time), UNIAN reports.

On 31 March, the U.S. President, George Bush, will arrive in Ukraine on a State visit. During the visit, he will discuss with his Ukrainian counterpart, Victor Yushenka, the prospects of Ukraine's joining the NATO Membership Action Plan in Alliance's April summit in Bucharest.

The participants of demonstration came together near the monument symbolizing Ukraine's independence, taking party flags and large number of anti-NATO banners such as 'NATO is already Gestapo', 'NATO is war, death and tear', 'Yankee - go home'.

In addition, along with the street Institute, the demonstration participants established a white banner, where offensive expressions have been written in English to the address George Bush and NATO. No leader gave any speech before the demonstrators.

The correspondent can be contacted at: [email protected]

