
Muslim Brothers and Islamic model of Turkey

Politics Materials 24 February 2011 22:17 (UTC +04:00)
Following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, wide discussions started that the power in Egypt can get into the hands of Islamists, and a Sharia republic can established.
Muslim Brothers and Islamic model of Turkey

Head of Trend Middle East desk Rufiz Hafizoglu
Following the resignation of President Hosni Mubarak, wide discussions started that the power in Egypt can get into the hands of Islamists, and a Sharia republic can established.
On the backdrop of clashes between police and people, the Muslim Brotherhood Organization, whose activities have been banned in Egypt for more than 50 years, stated it will not claim for the power. However, a week after the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, on its Internet portal, the organization announced that it intends to be registered under a new name.

In a statement on Monday the head of the Muslim Brotherhood Organization Mohammed Badia said that the newly created political party will be titled the Party of Freedom and Justice, while at the same time, noted that the main objective will be to meet the demands of the people.
The head of the organization said that regardless of their nationality and religion, any Egyptian can become a member to the party, it is necessary to only obey the statute.

If to pay attention to the historical path of the Muslim Brotherhood, since its creation, i.e. since 1930, it is obvious that in spite of their organization and discipline, they have not mastered the control system.
Naturally, there are several reasons, one of which is the absence of a fertile ground for the functioning of the organization as a party in Egypt.

Undoubtedly, the resignation of Hosni Mubarak will lead to fundamental changes in the political life of both the Egyptian and all neighboring Arab countries without exception. Following the resignation of Hosni Mubarak, compared with the other parties and organizations, exactly the Islamists mostly will realize change inside the organization.
The fact that a new party of the Muslim Brotherhood starts its activity as a party is the first step toward change. Of course, it is wrong to earlier speak of how much influence the party will have on domestic and foreign policy and whether it will try to establish an Islamic republic.

If to attentively keep track of events, it becomes obvious that unlikely the Islamists can come to power in Egypt and run the country based on Sharia law.
Although there is a supposition regarding coming to power of Islamists, but even in this case, it will be completely pointless to run the country based on Sharia law. In fact, according to the second paragraph of the Constitution of Egypt, the official religion of the state is Islam, and the base of legislation is Sharia.
But during Mubarak's governance, Islamic Sharia was not widely used in law in the country. And it is unlikely to be widely introduced even if Islamists come to power, because now the Egyptians have other priorities - they are in great need of improving their lives.
However, given the realities, the biggest and strongest opposition will use the Islamic factor in order to remain on the agenda in the country.
And in order to keep the Muslim Brotherhood on the agenda of the Egyptians, who require renewal and reforms, the best option is to introduce in Egypt a model close to the Turkish model of Islam.

Naturally, it is impossible to fully introduce in Egypt the Turkish model of Islam in the face of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). For this reason, the Muslim Brotherhood will liken their newly established political party to the Turkish model of Islam that changed the face of the Middle East.
Ankara is also interested in introducing a model similar to the Turkish model of Islam in Egypt, which is one of the most powerful countries in the Arab world. Introducing the Turkish model of Islam in Egypt in the face of the Muslim Brotherhood will strengthen Ankara's influence in the region.

