An international conference and training on the topic Development of the leader skills for the heads of the leading youth organization from the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) countries has taken place in Baku. The event brought together youth organizations from 40 OIC member-countries and nearly 20 organizations from Azerbaijan, Trend reports.
The Secretary-General of the Forum, Elshad Iskenderov, stated in the opening of the conference that the primary goals of this program are to increase the leader skills and train the youth representatives from OIC countries within the ethnic principles of Islam. The event was made possible through the support of the Islamic Development Bank and the Youth & Sport Ministry of Azerbaijan.
Participating in the opening event, the Azerbaijani Minister of Youth & Sport, Azad Rahimov, stressed that he highly assessed the initiative of holding this event in Azerbaijan and considers such training as an important step for the youth of OIC countries.
The training was held by professional, international and local specialists. At the conclusion of the event, the participants were awarded certificates of attendance.
In addition, each participant at the event was issued with a book Karabakh: facts and affects, a first edition in the Arabic language with the initiative of the Forum from the series Conflicts and humanitarian tragedies in the OIC countries.