
Exhibition "My Shusha" held with assistance of Karabakh foundation in Azerbaijan (PHOTO)

Society Materials 1 October 2010 03:10 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 30 /Trend, T.Hajiyev/

The personal exhibition named "My Shusha" was opened with the organizational support of Karabakh foundation in Azerbaijan. The works relevant to the historical places, streets and famous people of Shusha have been presented by a young painter Halima Aleskerova at the exhibition. The exhibition is to be held till October, 2.

The head of Karabakh foundation for European and CIS countries Tural Kerimov told about future planned projects at the exhibition. "In October the Foundation is planning to publish a book on Karabakh's cuisine. In November the exhibition "My Karabakh" is planned to be held and in March the month of Azerbaijani culture is planned to be held at the capital of the USAWashington. We have already applied to the mayor's office of Washington in line with this arrangement", said Kerimov.

The deputy of the Azerbaijani Minister of youth and sports Intiqam Babayev told about the importance of the exhibition in his speech. He said that Karabakh is the heart of Azerbaijan.

"Karabakh is our history, culture. Karabakh is our national struggle. In this struggle everybody must make own efforts. Halima's works are the important step made in this direction. This step will not be limited to the state borders. This exhibition will be demonstrated in other countries too", said Babayev.

MP Qanira Pashayeva in her speech called this exhibition the extraordinary one. She considered these works as the expression of the love to the Motherland by a representative of Azerbaijani youth. "I wish the quantity of youth loving own Motherland so passionately would be more than it is. The greater their number the quicker they could convey us to Shusha. Everybody must do anything for his or her Motherland. Everyone could do one deed on the way of liberation of our territories and these deeds must be exercised. I thank Halima for her performance of own duty in such a manner and for her delivering of Shusha's features so beautifully", said Pashayeva. She underlined the great role of Halima's parents in the upbringing Halima's love for Shusha to such extent. Qanira Pashayeva expressed her gratitude for this to the young painter's parents.

"Occupation is continuing today too. Our lands are still not released. These works are oriented to the liberation of our territoties, the completion of occupation", said Pashayeva.

MP informed that today Armenian diasporas have been presenting their lies as reality and can reach some achievements in this sphere. "In order to prevent these lies such exhibitions have great importance. Such exhibitions must be held also in other states for the delivering of Azerbaijani reality and an Azerbaijanian person's potential to the people living abroad", said Pashayeva.

Karabakh foundation was established in November, 2009 in USA and has the high status 501 (C) 3, conferred on NGO. The main objective of the Foundation is to introduce Americans with Azerbaijan, its part - Karabakh and, on the whole, Caucasus. Another main goal of the Foundation is to disseminate and propagate the Azerbaijanian culture in USA. For the achievement of these purposes the Foundation is planning to hold various exhibitions, forums, to publish books, to realize public programs and so on.

