
Nar publishes the book “The Republic’s Flag” on the occasion of National Flag Day

Society Materials 7 November 2023 16:29 (UTC +04:00)

Nar congratulates our nation on the occasion of Victory and Flag Days, the most glorious pages of our history. The mobile operator has published the book "The Republic’s Flag" (Cümhuriyyət Bayrağı), which describes the history of our flag - the tricolor symbol of Victory Day. The book released on the occasion of Flag Day covers the history from the establishment of the Democratic Republic of Azerbaijan till the period when our victorious army raised our flag in Karabakh.

The book written by the well-known researcher Dilgam Ahmed includes important photographs and documents related to the years of the Azerbaijani Democratic Republic and emigration, as well as the modern era of our flag, which defines our national identity.

Taking into account the great interest in the book, Nar conducts a contest on the social media page. Social network users who answer the questions on the occasion of the 105th anniversary of our flag will receive the book "The Republic’s Flag".

Nar currently provides high-quality communication services to 2.2 million customers. It is the leading mobile operator in the country according to the Net Promoter Score for the last 4 years. The mobile operator adheres to a customer-centric strategy and provides excellent service at an affordable price.

