Azerbaijan, Baku / Тrend corr S. Ilhamgizi / The World Day of Freedom of Speech was celebrated in Azerbaijan on 3 May. The event was attended by the heads of the political parties, NGOs, and journalist organizations, editors-in-chief, and MPs spoke on the state of mass media in Azerbaijan. The proposals to hold mass actions and apply to international organizations were made at the event.
The events that took place in 2005 were mentioned (assassination of editor-in-chief of the Monitor journal, Elmar Huseynov, battery of journalists Bahaddin Hajiyev, Fikret Huseynli, the detention of journalists Mirza Sakit, Eynulla Fatullayev and oth).
The proposal not to admit the officials, who had applied to court with respect to the journalists, to the European countries, the United States, and international organizations were voiced at the gathering.