Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 4 / Trend /
AccessBank (Azerbaijani bank with 100 percent foreign capital), acknowledged by Financial Times one of three the most stable banks at the developing markets of all East Europe, starts training of its the employees on European Business Competence* Licenсe, Allianz Group consulting company reported.
Consulting company Allianz Group reports that the program will enable employees to promote the competence and learn to function more effective in financial sector, manage any structural subdivisions which imply the necessity of making financial decisions, control and manage financial side of any project.
Knowledge will enable employees not having economic knowledge, financial education and working in a non-financial department to understand and accept easily any information. A teaching process is controlled by international center EBC*L, which is located in Vienna. Certificates are issued by the Austrian office and have international value.
European Business Competence* Licence is realized in 27countries of Central Europe, including Austria, Germany, UK, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Serbia, Croatia and Switzerland, Ukraine, Albania, Russia and so on. A row of large corporations such as Siemens, T-Mobile, Xerox, Bayer, Uniqa, Samsung included EBC*L into internal management trainings of personnel.
Benefits of European Business Competence * Licence are:
-EBC * L certificate confirms international qualification in business management and is recognized by the countries of Western and Central Europe;
-The program content is developed on the basis of scientific and practical research aimed at improving the skills of managerial personnel;
-Recognized European certificate provides an excellent motivation for the personnel and control over higher level of knowledge;
This step of the bank proves once again the special significance of investments in human resource, as main capital of any organization," it was informed.
To remind, on European Business Competence* Licenсe is being realized in Azerbaijan by consulting company Allianz Group.