
Over 190,000 tons of cotton harvested in Azerbaijan (PHOTO)

Business Materials 6 November 2018 12:20 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 6


As of Nov. 3, 193,892 tons of cotton have been harvested in Azerbaijan, and the average yield accounted for 14.6 centners per hectare, Azerbaijan’s Agriculture Ministry said in a message.

As many as 108,641 tons of harvested cotton accounted for the Commercial Production MKT CJSC, 43,880 tons accounted for Azerpambyg CJSC, 25,936 tons – for P-Agro CJSC, 9,960 tons - for Agro-Az CJSC and Goran Cotton CJSC, while 5,474 tons accounted for private crops.

So far, most cotton was harvested in Azerbaijan’s Saatli district (25,857 tons), Barda (20,472 tons) and Agjabadi (20,227 tons) districts.

In total, in 2018, cotton was sown in 22 districts of Azerbaijan. The highest yields were registered in Samukh (21.77 centners per hectare), Barda (21.26), Terter (20.59) and Agjabadi (20.34) districts.

In terms of daily harvesting of cotton as of Nov. 3, the Barda district became the leader - 351 tons. It is followed by Beylagan (349 tons), Saatli (336 tons), Bilasuvar (335 tons) and Agjabadi (303 tons) districts.

This year cotton was planted on an area of ​​more than 132,000 hectares. In 2018, a total of 260,000 tons of cotton will be harvested, according to the forecast.

