
2011 was fruitful and successful for Uzbekistan - Islam Karimov

Uzbekistan Materials 1 January 2012 12:44 (UTC +04:00)

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Jan.1 /Trend D. Azizov/

President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov in his New Year's congratulation to the people described 2011 as a successful and fruitful.

"We have every reason to believe that the past year, no matter what difficulties and trials he gave neither, as a whole was for our country and our people productive and successful," said in congratulation.

"As noted International Monetary Fund, despite the still ongoing global financial and economic crisis and its negative impact, Uzbekistan is among the few states in 2011 has achieved GDP growth of 8.3 per cent, thus further reiterated that a stable high rate of growth of the economy over the last 5-6 years are sustained," said Islam Karimov.

The President noted that during the past year there has been continued the huge scale of work for the renewal and modernization, the deepening of democratic reforms, liberalization of all spheres of our life, the development of civil society.

"Progress in the last period, which we previously could only dream of - a validation of our chosen model of development, the effectiveness of created new industries and production facilities, today became the engines of our economy.

Put into service tens of modern enterprises, accelerated development were such major areas as the fuel and energy, mining and metallurgy, chemical industry, light industry, automobile industry, capital construction, transport and communication," said Islam Karimov.

The President highlighted the work achievements of rural workers, who have collected 6.8 million tons of grain, almost 3.5 million tons of cotton, and raised over 8.2 million tons of vegetables and melons, about three million tonnes of horticultural products.

"The most important step in solving social problems and employment creation in the country was in 2011 about one million jobs by modernizing and diversifying the economy, provide new tangible benefits and preferences for small businesses, private entrepreneurship and farming, which today are truly the driving the strength and backbone of our society," said Islam Karimov.

According to the President, through the results achieved in the real economy, it became possible to increase in 2011 wages, stipends and social allowances by 20.2 percent, pensions - by 26.2 per cent, on the whole population's real income increased by 23 1 percent.

In 2012, the planned increase in wages, pensions, stipends and social allowances by more than 20 percent, real incomes - by 22-24 per cent.

The President said that a lot of attention in the new year will be placed on the pursuit started two years ago, a program aimed at creating favorable conditions of life for our people, especially in rural areas. And if in 2011 the owners of comfortable accommodation with a total area of ​​1.1 million square meters were 7.4 thousand families in the 2012 move into these new homes on the right 8.51 a thousand families.

President Islam Karimov stressed that only the implementation of the goals in the social sphere and in the first place, the development of health and education, science and culture, in 2012, provides direct 60 percent of budget expenditures.

