
Official: Iranian scientist hijacked U.S. drone's GPS system

Iran Materials 17 December 2011 14:37 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Dec. 17 / Trend S.Isayev, D. Khatinoglu/

Iranian scientist successfully hijacked the U.S. Sentinel drone's GPS system, Mehr News Agency reported quoting Deputy head of Iran's Medical Science University internal medicine department, Mostafa Ghanei.

Fox News reported earlier, quoting a senior U.S. official, who called "ridiculous" the claims of Iran hijacking the RQ-170 drone's GPS system.

Some other U.S. officials also believe that the Sentinel drone simply ran out of gas, and went down without any Iranian electronic intereference.

Iranian Armed Forces downed the U.S. RG-170 Sentinel drone on Dec. 4 , 140 miles inside the Iranian border from Afghanistan. Later, The Islamic Republic protested the violation of Iran's airspace by the U.S. aircraft.

The unmanned surveillance plane lost by the United States in Iran was a RQ-170 stealth aircraft being used for secret missions by the CIA, US officials admitted earlier this week. The aircraft is among the highly sensitive surveillance platform in the CIA's fleet that was shaped and designed to evade enemy defenses.

Lately, U.S president Barack Obama asked Iranian authorities to return the drone back, however the Islamic Republic has refused to do so.

