
Russian delegate denies Iran's claim over nuclear fuel

Other News Materials 16 September 2007 18:45 (UTC +04:00)

( RIA Novosti ) - A Vienna-based Russian diplomat involved in nuclear negotiations denied on Sunday Iran's claim that Russian nuclear fuel was ready to be sent to Iran's Bushehr nuclear power plant.

Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said on Saturday that fuel for the plant, being built by Russia's Atomstroyexport in south Iran, was "ready, with the security seal of the International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA]."

However the Russian delegate in Vienna, where the United Nations nuclear watchdog is based, said: "Fuel for the Bushehr NPP has been prepared, and has been stored for several years in the Novosibirsk Chemical Concentrate Plant [in Siberia], but the process of sealing by international experts, which is an important step for preparing it for transport to the Bushehr NPP site, has not yet taken place."

