
Russia ready to continue dialogue with Poland on meat ban

Other News Materials 24 November 2006 17:05 (UTC +04:00)

(RIA Novosti) - Russia and Poland reiterated their readiness to continue dialogue on Moscow's ban on Polish meat products at talks during a Russia-EU summit in Helsinki, a Russian official said Friday.

Poland had vetoed the launch of talks between Russia and the European Union on a new cooperation agreement, planned to take place in Helsinki during Friday's Russia-EU summit, over Moscow's ban on its meat products and other food imports, reports Trend.

The diplomat said, "The sides agreed that there is no need to dramatize the situation, and reiterated their readiness to continue the dialogue," he said. "The ball is now in Poland's court."

Russian President Vladimir Putin clarified the situation to EU officials at the summit, he said.

"The president stressed that negotiations with the Polish side have been ongoing since December 2005," the official said, adding there have been attempts to import meat from India and China labeled as Polish meat, reports Trend.

A senior Polish official signaled earlier that the country is considering withdrawing its veto on the talks. The issue has proved a source of embarrassment for the EU, after the 25-nation bloc's Finnish Presidency failed to persuade Poland to soften its stance, and allow talks on a new deal.

The Russian diplomat said Poland wants the problem to be solved, and negotiations to begin on a new EU-Russia cooperation agreement as soon as possible.

The current Russia-EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) expires in 2007.

Poland had pressed for Moscow to end its ban on certain Polish agricultural exports and ratify the Energy Charter, liberalizing its oil and gas sector, before talks on a new deal begin.

Russia introduced an embargo on imports of Polish meat and poultry products on November 10, citing concerns over violations of veterinary regulations. Russia had already banned agricultural imports from Poland last year, on health grounds.

Warsaw saw the embargo as a retaliation for its support of the "orange revolution" in Ukraine in late 2004, when Western-leaning political forces came to power in the former Soviet state.

But Moscow said it could also ban agricultural imports from the EU starting January 1 since Russia is concerned over livestock diseases in Romania and Bulgaria, which will become full-fledged EU members in early 2007.

