Turkey will continue its fight against terrorism both at home and in neighboring countries until Daesh and PKK/PYD stop being a threat, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Monday, Anadolu reported.
“Turkey is determined to take steps to ensure the safety of its citizens both at home and in neighboring countries where terror groups are nestled,” Erdogan said in a message commemorating the Aug. 30 Victory Day.
“The Jarabulus operation launched on Aug. 24 [in Syria] in cooperation with the international coalition is a reflection of such determination and will.
“Our operations will continue until Daesh, PKK and its Syrian affiliate PYD are eliminated as threats against our citizens,” Erdogan said.
Operation Euphrates Shield, launched last Wednesday, is aimed at improving security, supporting coalition forces and eliminating the terror threat along Turkey’s border through Free Syrian Army (FSA) fighters backed by Turkish armor, artillery and jets.