
Azerbaijani Parliament backfires on Luxembourg Deputy Chamber president's bias

Politics Materials 22 May 2024 18:27 (UTC +04:00)
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, May 22. The Milli Majlis (Parliament) of Azerbaijan strongly condemns and categorically rejects the biased and absurd statements made by Claude Wiseler, President of Luxembourg's Chamber of Deputies, who leveled several accusations against Azerbaijan during his speech in the Armenian Parliament, the Press and Public Relations Department of the parliament told Trend.

“Luxembourg, which has embraced French as its official language in its legislation, seems to be overly eager to emulate the ‘French style’ in their approach to the South Caucasus. They misrepresent regional events and demand to Azerbaijan. The President of the Luxembourg Chamber of Deputies should be reminded of numerous facts: Armenia occupied internationally recognized Azerbaijan, four times larger than Luxembourg, for 30 years. This occupation made over 1 million of our compatriots refugees and IDPs. Eight cities and hundreds of villages were devastated, along with many historical, religious, and cultural monuments. Unfortunately, Luxembourg's parliament, which defends human rights and ideals, ignored these tragedies and concrete facts.

Under the leadership of President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev, Supreme Commander-in-Chief, the country liberated its lands from occupation and independently ensured compliance with international law. These territories are now being restored and reconstructed through significant efforts, and displaced persons are returning to their native lands. Despite the severe consequences of the 30-year occupation, Azerbaijan is actively working towards normalizing relations with Armenia, a move that promises long-term peace and stability for the region.

Foreign representatives' comments are damaging to regional peace and stability during constructive Azerbaijani-Armenian peace discussions. These interferences are plainly meant to scuttle the peace process. We urge the Luxembourg Parliament and President to transfer their "support" elsewhere. We further remind the Armenian side that accepting one-sided approaches, fabrications, and lies from external third parties about regional activities harms the peace process and confidence-building initiatives,” the statement of the Milli Majlis reads.

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