Azerbaijan, Baku / corr. Trend I.Khalilova / Yurii Shedrin, the Commerce representative of the Russian Federation to Azerbaijan, stated on the 25th of June that the Azerbaijani-Russian Commerce Chamber of business cooperation jointly with the 'Russian world' Association and the Commerce representatives of Russia to Azerbaijan, monitored the functioning of Russian firms and companies within the Azerbaijani market. According to Shedrin, the main aim of the monitoring was to reveal problems and development prospects within Azerbaijan.
Over 400 representatives of the Russian firms and companies are functioning in the Azerbaijan Republic, while over 300 are stable functioning representatives.
"In general the results of the monitoring were satisfactory, however in reality it revealed that small and average enterprises require stronger attention towards interaction and definite orientations," Shedrin stated.
It is planned to establish the Coordinating methodical Centre on the base of the 'Russian world' Association, the Azerbaijani-Russian Commerce Chamber on business cooperation and the Russian embassy to Azerbaijan, in order to resolve the problems of the Russian firms in Azerbaijan.
"We will agree that the commerce representation and the methodical centre should provide their support in the functioning of these companies," Shedrin added.