
Record number of traffic interception events revealed in world in late 2021

ICT Materials 23 February 2022 15:07 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Feb. 23

By Sadraddin Aghjayev - Trend:

The total route leaks in the world in the fourth quarter of 2021 exceed those of the third quarter by over twofold, that’s over 19,852 in the fourth quarter compared to over 7,589 in the third quarter, Founder and CEO of Russia’s Qrator Labs Alexander Lyamin told Trend.

A route leak is a situation when a prefix is learned from one provider peer and announced to another provider or peer upon BGP (Border Gateway Protocol).

“There was a record number of unique BGP traffic interception events in the fourth quarter of 2021,” Lyamin added. “Some 17,798 autonomous systems generated BGP hijacks in November 2021, which is 16.3 percent of the total number of autonomous systems in the world.”

The founder of Qrator Labs stressed that another BGP 'record' was set for the number of BGP route leaks for a month.

“So, there were a record number of route leaks - more than ten million in December 2021,” Lyamin said. “This is a huge figure, which is by almost twofold more than in the first two months of the fourth quarter.”

The founder of Qrator Labs said that the total route leaks in the fourth quarter exceed those in the third quarter by over twofold, namely, 19.8 million in the fourth quarter compared to 7.6 million in the third quarter.

Lyamin said that BGP Hijacking incidents can and must be prevented using Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) technology, which is a BGP announcement signature that the internet community has been trying to implement over the past few years.

“However, there are such situations as in November 2021 when an absolute double record was set in the number of traffic interceptions due to its still insufficient distribution in the world,” the founder of Qrator Labs added.

BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is the main dynamic routing protocol that is used on the internet. Routers using the BGP protocol exchange information about the availability of networks. Along with the information about networks, various attributes of these networks are transmitted. BGP selects the best route and the routing policy is created.


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