
Cybersecurity Guru Azar Alili on strengthening cybersecurity in Europe and Middle East" (PHOTO)

ICT Materials 8 February 2023 14:05 (UTC +04:00)

Azar Alili is a renowned cybersecurity expert and consultant hailing from Azerbaijan. With a reputation that extends well beyond his home country, he is widely recognized as a leading authority in the field of cybersecurity in East Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Mr. Alili's expertise and contributions to the cybersecurity industry have earned him the status of a trusted consultant and architect. He has a track record of developing innovative cybersecurity solutions and strategies that have bolstered regional and international security. Most notably, Azar Alili represented Azerbaijan at prestigious events such as TechEx Cybersecurity & Cloud Global EXPO in London and ISNR Abu Dhabi 2022, where he showcased cutting-edge cybersecurity products designed and developed by himself and his team which he established during the past decade for optimization of complex IT operations and safeguard data privacy in the region.

We engaged in a stimulating conversation with our esteemed correspondent, and we are thrilled to present it to our readers.

Can you tell us about your background and how you entered the field of cybersecurity?

My journey into the world of cybersecurity began with a strong passion for technology and a background in computer science. I pursued advanced studies in cybersecurity, gaining expertise in both offensive and defensive cybersecurity strategies. Over the years, I've had the opportunity to work on various projects and collaborations that have honed my skills and allowed me to make meaningful contributions to the field. During my studies, I became increasingly intrigued by the world of cybersecurity as I realized the critical role it plays in safeguarding digital assets and privacy. As my career progressed, I had the opportunity to work with diverse organizations, ranging from government agencies to private-sector enterprises. These experiences allowed me to see the wide-ranging impact of cybersecurity on different industries and sectors.

Could you share some highlights from your past cybersecurity projects?

Certainly. I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects ranging from critical infrastructure protection to threat intelligence platforms. One notable project involved developing a comprehensive cybersecurity framework for a national Internet backbone provider, enhancing their resilience against cyber threats and ensuring uninterrupted service in the region. Another noteworthy project revolved around the development of a threat intelligence platform for a financial institution. This platform was designed to collect, analyze, and correlate threat data from various sources, both internal and external. By harnessing the power of machine learning and artificial intelligence, we were able to provide the institution with actionable insights into emerging threats. This proactive approach to cybersecurity significantly reduced the organization's exposure to risks and enhanced its overall security posture.

You recently attended TechEx Cybersecurity & Cloud Global EXPO and ISNR Abu Dhabi 2022. Can you elaborate on the cybersecurity products you presented at these events?

Certainly, at the TechEx Cybersecurity & Cloud Global EXPO in London and the ISNR Abu Dhabi 2022 event, I had the privilege of showcasing a range of cutting-edge cybersecurity products that were meticulously designed and developed by myself. These products were specifically crafted to address the ever-evolving challenges and complexities of the cybersecurity landscape in our region and beyond. I introduced advanced threat detection systems that employ machine learning and artificial intelligence algorithms to identify and mitigate sophisticated cyber threats in real-time. These systems are designed to provide organizations with early warning indicators and help them proactively defend against cyberattacks. The Internet of Things (IoT) presents new security challenges. I showcased IoT security solutions that enable organizations to secure their connected devices, ensuring the integrity and privacy of data transmitted and received by IoT devices.

What are your future plans and goals in the field of cybersecurity?

My ongoing mission is to continuously innovate and adapt to the evolving threat landscape. In the realm of cybersecurity, my future plans and goals are multifaceted. Firstly, I intend to continue pushing the boundaries of innovation. The cybersecurity landscape evolves rapidly, and I'm committed to staying at the forefront of these advancements. This involves ongoing research and development to create cutting-edge solutions that can adapt to emerging threats. Secondly, I aim to foster a robust cybersecurity ecosystem in Azerbaijan and the neighboring regions. This includes advocating for increased awareness and education about cyber threats and best practices. I also plan to facilitate collaboration between government entities, private-sector organizations, and educational institutions to build a resilient defense against cyber threats. Furthermore, I'm dedicated to contributing to the development of cybersecurity standards and regulations tailored to the unique challenges faced by our region. Establishing a framework that ensures the security of critical infrastructure, sensitive data, and digital services is pivotal for sustained growth and stability.

What unique challenges does the East Europe, Middle East, and Central Asia region face in terms of cybersecurity?

The East Europe, Middle East, and Central Asia region face a distinctive set of challenges when it comes to cybersecurity:

Diverse Threat Landscape: The region encounters a wide spectrum of cyber threats, ranging from financially motivated cybercrime to politically motivated attacks. This diversity requires a multifaceted approach to cybersecurity, with organizations needing to defend against a broad array of threat actors.

Economic Disparities: Economic disparities within the region can lead to variations in cybersecurity readiness. Some countries may have advanced cybersecurity infrastructure and skilled professionals, while others may lag behind, creating potential vulnerabilities.

Digital Transformation Challenges: As digital transformation accelerates in the region; organizations face the dual challenge of securing new technologies while also upskilling their workforce to understand and combat emerging threats.

Can you share insights into the emerging cybersecurity trends in the region?

Certainly, emerging cybersecurity trends in our region are highly indicative of the evolving threat landscape and the technological advancements that influence it. Here are some key insights: Rise in Cloud Security, IoT Security Concerns, AI-Powered Security, Data Privacy Regulations, Cybersecurity Skills Shortage, Zero Trust Architecture, Supply Chain Security, Threat Intelligence Sharing, Cyber Insurance and etc.

How do you see the role of government and industry collaboration in enhancing cybersecurity resilience in Azerbaijan and neighboring regions?

Answer: Collaboration between government agencies and private-sector organizations is paramount. Governments can provide regulatory frameworks and support for cybersecurity initiatives, while industry players can contribute their expertise and resources to build a robust defense against cyber threats. In summary, collaboration is an indispensable element of enhancing cybersecurity resilience. It fosters a holistic approach to cybersecurity, leveraging the strengths of both sectors to protect critical assets, data, and the well-being of citizens in Azerbaijan and neighboring regions. This collaboration must be ongoing and adaptable to address the evolving nature of cyber threats effectively.

What opportunities do you see for businesses in the region to leverage cybersecurity for growth and competitiveness?

Cybersecurity is not just a defensive measure; it can also be a competitive advantage. Businesses that invest in robust cybersecurity can gain trust, protect intellectual property, and ensure the continuity of their operations. Moreover, they can tap into the growing demand for secure digital services. Many businesses in the region are engaged in research, development, and innovation. Robust cybersecurity measures can safeguard intellectual property, trade secrets, and proprietary technologies, preventing unauthorized access or theft. This protection is vital for maintaining a competitive edge. Some industries, especially in finance and healthcare, require stringent cybersecurity standards to enter specific markets. By establishing robust security practices, businesses can expand their reach and explore new markets that demand heightened cybersecurity measures.

How can aspiring cybersecurity professionals prepare themselves for a career in this field, given its dynamic nature?

Continuous learning is key. Aspiring professionals should stay updated on the latest threats and technologies, seek certifications, and gain hands-on experience through internships or personal projects. Networking with experienced professionals can also provide valuable insights. Begin by obtaining a solid educational foundation in computer science, information technology, or a related field. Hands-on experience with real-world scenarios helps develop practical skills and insights. Develop strong communication and problem-solving skills. Document your projects, challenges, and solutions. Always prioritize ethical conduct and adhere to legal and ethical standards in cybersecurity. By following these steps and continuously adapting to the evolving threat landscape, aspiring cybersecurity professionals can equip themselves with the knowledge and skills needed to thrive in this dynamic and crucial field.

In your opinion, what are the ethical considerations that should be taken into account when developing and deploying cybersecurity solutions?

Ethics are fundamental in cybersecurity. we must prioritize user privacy, data protection, and transparency. Additionally, we should adhere to ethical hacking practices to identify vulnerabilities without causing harm. It's essential to strike a balance between security and individual rights. Cybersecurity solutions must not infringe upon personal privacy or collect unnecessary data. Data should be handled responsibly and securely, with clear consent and transparency regarding how it is used. Users should have access to information about how their data is protected, and there should be clear accountability mechanisms in place in case of breaches or misuse. Ethical hackers and security researchers play a crucial role in identifying vulnerabilities. Organizations should have clear procedures for responsible disclosure, acknowledging and rewarding those who responsibly report security issues.

Once again, Mr. Azar Alili, thank you for your time and willingness to participate in this interview. Your insights have added significant value to our publication, and we look forward to sharing your wisdom with our readers.

