
Azeri Communication Ministry is considering possibility of involving international experts in consultation services within creation of technical parks

ICT Materials 23 August 2006 15:58 (UTC +04:00)

The Ministry of Communications and Information Technologies of Azerbaijan is considering the possibility of attracting international experts for consultation services regarding the creation of a special economical zone for the development of high technologies.

At present, there are two ways of conducting consultation services Trend has been informed at the Ministry. The first is to select one of the companies, Alliance Ernst & Young, Salans and American Angel who have presented their tender proposals. The second is to create a team of international experts. If the latter is considered more available, then the consultation companies who have submitted their tender proposals may be invited to work with the team of experts. If the group is created, it would also include the local experts and specialists of the Communications Ministry.

At present, talks are being held with the experts of U.S., Europe, Asia and other countries that have technical experience. The International Association of Scientific Parks, in which Azerbaijan is represented by the Communications Ministry, also expressed readiness to present its experts, the same source told.

The Ministry has stated that by the end of August, it will be possible to define the situation.

It is intended to hold the analysis of the situation of high technology sector in Azerbaijan and define expediency of creating a special zone for high technologies, negative study and positive sides of creating the structure, its impact on the development of the sector and generally the development of the economy and provide legal base. The work should be implemented within 4 months.

