Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag has suggested that "pro-al-Assad" Iran-based militant group Hezbollah should change its name to "Hezb-evil," as it has declared jihad against innocent women, children, and old people.
"Hezbollah needs to change its name to 'Hezb-evil.' They call themselves Hezbollah but they declare jihad [Islamic war] against innocent women, children, and old people ... Isn't it nonsense?" Bozdag said, during a speech at the 6th International Risale-i Nur and Islamic Unity Symposium in Ankara.
In Arabic, "Hezbollah" means "Party of God."
Deputy prime minister said the Quran forbade racism but said some still used racism as an inspiration to kill their Muslim brothers, adding that the Islamic world should fight against this. Bozdag also said Syria was threatened by sectarianism and that Hezbollah had decided to stand behind Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.