Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 5
Deloitte Azerbaijan is pleased to announce that it has been appointed an Advisory Partner for the second SOCAR Oil and Gas Processing and Petrochemical Complex (OGPC) Forum.
The SOCAR OGPC Forum, the premier event for the region's oil and gas industry, will be held on 5-6 November in Baku, Azerbaijan. The OGPC Forum will bring together world oil and gas business leaders, American and European energy experts, senior financial executives, together with government policy decision makers, to facilitate cooperation and discuss OGPC related issues.
The Forum co-sponsored by Deloitte, will feature more than 40 leading global oil and gas industry speakers, including Elena Lazko, Deloitte CIS Oil and Gas Leader. Elena will be moderating Major Equipment, Materials and Services for Oil and Gas Industry panel at the event and will be joined by Ian Colebourne, Deloitte CIS CEO Elect.
"We believe that our partnership will strengthen ties between both SOCAR and Deloitte,"Ian Colebourne said. "Leveraging our leading capabilities and deep local knowledge, we can help make the OGPC Forum a success, and we look forward to sharing our expertise with SOCAR and its partners."
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