The member of the Deputy Group of Musavat, Panah Huseyn, informed Trend that they did not receive a response to the appeal of the Deputy Group of Musavat to the Head of the Azerbaijani Parliament for holding an extraordinary meeting to discuss the situation created due to the price increase for the energy carriers, communal services and passenger transportation.
The appeal by one-third of the deputies is necessary to conduct an extraordinary meeting of Parliament. We suspected that the representatives of the parties forming a majority in Parliament would not take such a step. We have appealed to the Chairman of Parliament and the next step falls with the Head of Parliament. As yet the Parliament Head has not responded to our appeal. Huseyn said.
The members of the Deputy Group could not meet with the Parliament Head because the legislative body is on holiday. However the Deputy Group plans to appeal again. The Deputy Group of Musavat comprises of five deputies.