Azerbaijan, Baku / Trend corr. I.Alizadeh / MP Siyavush Novruzov, the Executive Secretary of the governing New Azerbaijan Party (NAP) and a member of the Permanent Parliamentary Commission on Security and Defence Issues, has stated that the Law on Alternative Military Service will be submitted to the Parliament for discussion during the autumn session of the Parliament. The Law has been already developed.
MP considers that the adoption of the Law is the liability of Azerbaijan to the Council of Europe and is a requirement of the Constitution.
"After adoption of the Law the implementation mechanism has to be developed. I consider that the military authorities of the Military Registration Commission are not enough for defining persons who must be conscripted to alternative military service. Psychologists and other specialists must be included into the commission," Novruzov added.
There are countries where the alternative military service is determined by Court and testing system.
Novruzov stressed that if Azerbaijan the Law on Alternative Military Service was adopted before solving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict over Nagorno-Karabakh, the implementation of the Law would be suspended.
"The implementation of the Law will be suspended in case of military and emergency situations in compliance with Article 7 of the legislation. The alternative military service will not be used for everybody," MP added.
Conscripts who are not prepared psychologically will be drafted to alternative military service.