
Jet fuel price reduced at Turkmenbashi Airport

Business Materials 18 May 2011 10:29 (UTC +04:00)
Price for jet fuel was reduced for foreign aircrafts carrying out technical landing at the airport in Turkmenbashi, an official Turkmen source said on Monday.
Jet fuel price reduced at Turkmenbashi Airport

Turkmenistan, Ashgabat, May 18 / Trend, H.Hasanov /

Price for jet fuel was reduced for foreign aircrafts carrying out technical landing at the airport in Turkmenbashi, an official Turkmen source said on Monday.

Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhammadov at a recent government meeting drew attention to the fact that all the measures undertaken in the sphere of air, railway, road, sea and river transport should eventually ensure a significant increase in passenger and cargo transportation.
"Turkmenistan is now becoming an important link in international transportation and transit corridors of the Eurasian continent, including in the sphere of air transport," he said, stressing the need to involve all reserves for further development of mutually beneficial international cooperation in this direction.

Berdimuhammadov underlines that the Turkmenbashi Airport equipped with the state-of-the-art equipment, should set strong and highly effective work to serve both domestic and international transit flights flying via Turkmenistan's territory.

This international airport was commissioned in 2010. The project worth 125 million euros was implemented by the Turkish multisectoral company Polimex, which won the tender.
The project was funded by Turkmenistan's state budget. The capacity of the facility is about six aircrafts in an hour and 8,000 passengers. The airport receives aircrafts with takeoff weight of about 400 tons.

