Baku, Azerbaijan, Aug. 5
By Elena Kosolapova – Trend:
Shares trading on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) rose by 72.7 percent to 91.9 billion tenge in Jan. – July 2016 compared to the same period of 2015, KASE reported.
Shares trading in US dollar equivalent decreased by 5.4 percent to $270.7 million.
Trading volume of corporate bonds at KASE decreased by 60.7 percent and totaled 243.5 billion tenges in January-July 2016 as compared to the same period of 2015. Trading volume of corporate bonds in US dollar equivalent decreased by 78.5 percent to $717.3 million in this period.
The trade volume on repo operations at KASE increased by 2.09 times and totaled 34.89 trillion tenges during the reporting period, as compared to January-July 2015. Repo operations in US dollar equivalent increased by 67.3 percent to $101.75 billion.
Edited by SI
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