Tehran, Iran, July 29
Although Turkey was the only regional rival to Iran regarding export of eggs, now countries like Ukraine and Azerbaijan have also entered the market, an official at Mihan Central Union of Producers of Egg-Laying Hens, Mohammad Moradi said.
"Ten containers of eggs [from Iran] are being exported to Iraq on a daily basis," Moradi said, Trend reports citing ILNA.
"Currently, the average daily export of eggs to Iraq is 150 tons," he said.
Moradi said that in some days the amount of exports reaches 200 tons, adding that after the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the eggs from Iran to be clean from bird flu, the neighboring countries such as Iraq and Afghanistan asked for import of eggs from Iran.
Since May, Iran has been exporting more than 10,000 tons of eggs to Iraq and Afghanistan under the supervision of the State Veterinary Organization," Moradi said.
Referring to the reason for stopping export of eggs to Iraq several times, he said that for a short time, the Iraqi government paused the imports due some domestic issues, but had to resume them because of rise in prices and demands.
"The price of exported eggs to Iraq is determined by Iraqi government," he said.
"The profit of export of eggs is small, and Iran's main goal is to maintain the foreign export market," he said.