
Azerbaijan approves requirements for energy management system (UPDATED)

Oil&Gas Materials 19 August 2022 17:00 (UTC +04:00)

Details added, first version posted (14:47)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, August 19. The requirements for the energy management system have been approved in Azerbaijan, Trend reports via the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan.

According to the Cabinet of Ministers, the decision was made in order to ensure the implementation of subparagraph 1.1.9 of the Azerbaijani President’s Decree No. 1433 dated August 20, 2021 'On application of Law No. 359-VIG dated July 9, 2021 "On rational use of energy resources and energy efficiency'.

The document, in accordance with paragraph 7.1 of the Law of Azerbaijan 'On the Rational Use of Energy Resources and Energy Efficiency', grants the right to economic entities to create an energy management system providing for the implementation of energy efficiency measures based on the principle of voluntariness.

The creation, implementation, maintenance, and continuous improvement of the ISO 50001 energy management system is carried out in accordance with the international standards of 'Energy Management Systems. Requirements and guidelines for use'.

The Ministry of Economy, together with the Ministry of Energy, was instructed to develop and implement an international standard on the energy management system (ISO 50001 "Energy management systems. Requirements and guidelines for use") as a state standard.

