Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 24
Turkmenistan’s Turkmengaz SC has announced an international tender for the construction of a gas chemical plant for the production of polyvinyl acetate.
To participate in the tender, it is necessary to submit a written application indicating full name of applicant, legal status, country of registration and details, as well as familiarize with the law of Turkmenistan "on tenders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state needs", an extract from the "Rules holding a tender" and a list of required documents.
It is also necessary to present an envelope with a full tender offer sealed with a mastic seal. It should contain an electronic version of the questionnaire, the main terms of the contract (in Word format) and a technical and economic specification (in Excel format).
Documents are accepted until 18:00 (GMT + 5) – December 23, 2021.
Additional Information:
Phone: (+99312) 40-32-40; 40-32-50; 40-31-22; 40-32-14
Fax: (+99312) 40-32-59.
E-mail: [email protected]
Address: Archabil Shayoly 56, Ashgabat, Turkmenistan