Tashkent, Uzbekistan, Sept. 6
By Demir Azizov- Trend:
Amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code (CPC), providing administering of house arrest as a preventive measure enter into force in Uzbekistan.
In particular, Criminal Procedure Code is supplemented by articles "House Arrest", "The application of preventive measures in the form of detention or house arrest", "Calculation of the period of detention or of house arrest in case of return of the criminal case for further investigation."
A measure of restraint in the form of house arrest can be applied only in respect of the detained suspect or accused in the case provided that the detention is impractical considering the age, health status, marital status and other circumstances, according to the articles of the law applied additionally to the Criminal Procedure Code.
House arrest involves restriction of freedom of the suspect, accused or defendant within his home, but without complete isolation from society at the stage of preliminary investigation.
The decision on the measure of restraint in the form of house arrest is made by a court at the request of the prosecutor.
The law "On introducing amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan" was adopted by the Legislative (lower) House of Parliament August 23, 2014 and approved by the Senate on August 28.
Recently the president of the country signed the law published in the official media Sept. 5.
The law enters into force on the date of publication, according to the final article of the law.
The experts say that the introduction of house arrest will make it possible to significantly reduce the practice of detention and to create favorable conditions for the social reintegration of persons who have committed a crime.