
Iran raps West's dual stance on terrorism

Iran Materials 29 March 2010 13:15 (UTC +04:00)

Iran holds certain states' double standard policies toward terrorist groups accountable for thwarting international efforts to eradicate terrorism, Press TV reported.

"The European Union decision to remove the terrorist Mojahedin Khalq Organization from the EU's terror list or utilizing the terrorist groups to inflict damage on non-Western states are part of the EU's dual stance towards this heinous phenomenon (terrorism)," said member of Iranian parliamentary delegation to inter-parliamentary Union meeting in Bangkok Javad Jahangirzadeh on Monday.

In February 2009, EU ministers removed the exiled anti-Iran terrorist Mojahedin Khalq group from their list of terror organizations, following a European court ruling in favor of the group, which has acknowledged responsibility for many deadly attacks against Iranian and Iraqi civilians and cooperated actively with the regime of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.

The MKO launched terrorist operations against Iran following the 1979 Islamic Revolution and during the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war. The organization later assisted former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein in the massacre of Iraqis in 1991.

The Iranian MP pointed the finger of blame at some Western countries particularly the US which "have waged a war against other countries under the pretext of the war on terror and set the stage for the formation of various extreme groups."

A 2007Sunday Telegraph report revealed that the Jundallah terror group was a CIA creation designed to achieve "regime change in Iran." The report said it was the CIA that had tried to destabilize Iran by "supplying arm-length support, supplying money and weapons" to Jundallah.

Jundallah is a Pakistan-based terror group closely affiliated with the notorious al-Qaeda organization and made up of disgruntled members of the Baluch ethnic minority.

An ABC report also indicated that officials in Washington had ordered Jundallah terrorists to "stage deadly guerrilla raids inside the Islamic Republic, kidnap Iranian officials and execute them on camera" as part of a "programmatic objective to overthrow the Iranian government."

Jahangirzadeh touched on the issue of Palestine, saying the United States and other Western states' unilateral policies over terrorism and also their support for Israel's "state terrorism" have culminated in widespread hatred towards these countries.

"The image of terrorism has changed. Economic terrorism, state terrorism, assassination of individuals and figures, siege and the brutal killing of Palestinian people are the other manifestations of terrorism," he concluded.

