
Turkish-Azerbaijani relations possess deep roots - political analyst

Commentary Materials 11 June 2024 20:56 (UTC +04:00)
Turkish-Azerbaijani relations possess deep roots - political analyst
Asif Mehman
Asif Mehman
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 11. Relations between Azerbaijan and Türkiye have deep historical, cultural, and economic roots, and they have reached a level of strategic partnership and close cooperation continues in many areas, political analyst Azer Garayev told Trend.

According to him, the official visits of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev to Türkiye are important from the point of view of further strengthening ties between the countries and opening new prospects for cooperation. "The peoples of Azerbaijan and Türkiye have a common history and culture. The languages, traditions, and cultural heritage of both peoples are very close to each other. This common culture creates a basis for strengthening and deepening ties between the countries,” he said.

The political analyst added that political relations between Azerbaijan and Türkiye are at the level of a strategic partnership. Both countries support each other in the international arena and implement many projects that serve common interests. "Economic ties between Azerbaijan and Türkiye have expanded significantly in recent years. The volume of trade has increased, and mutual investments and joint projects are being implemented. The Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan oil pipeline and Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railroad projects are vivid examples of this cooperation. The energy sector is the basis of economic ties between Azerbaijan and Türkiye. Azerbaijan supplies energy to Türkiye and Europe through the TANAP and TAP projects. This not only ensures the energy security of the region but also further strengthens economic ties between the two countries,” Garayev said.

He noted that the volume of trade between Azerbaijan and Türkiye is growing year by year. Joint ventures and investment projects are realized between the two countries. Azerbaijani companies invest in various sectors in Türkiye, while Turkish companies are also active in Azerbaijan. The political analyst added that military cooperation between Azerbaijan and Türkiye is also important. This cooperation makes a great contribution to stability and security in the region.

"Humanitarian and educational ties between Azerbaijan and Türkiye are also expanding. Student exchange programs, joint cultural and scientific projects, and cooperation between universities serve the development of ties in this sphere so that the younger generation better learns about each other and preserves common culture,” the political scientist stressed.

Garayev added that President Ilham Aliyev's visit to Türkiye and Turkish-Azerbaijani relations are important in terms of strengthening ties between the two brotherly countries and defining new spheres of cooperation.

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