( PanARMENIAN ) - On May 2 the Central Electoral Commission of Armenia approved the form of bulletins for parliamentarian elections. According to the Armenian Police there are 2. 301. 662 registered voters in the country and the CEC decided to issue 2.38 million bulletins for proportional electoral system. On May 3 at 00:01 local time two publishing houses in Yerevan will launch the process of printing bulletins. According to the approved schedule this process must be over by May 9.
Voting bulletins will have different appearance depending on the electoral system: bulletins for proportional system will be yellow and majority system bulletins will be white. For the first time in Armenia before casting the bulletins in the transparent ballot boxes they will be placed in an envelope. However taking into account the fact that the proportional list is rather large- 22 parties and one block- bulletins will be folded in four, IA Regnum reports.