President Donald Trump signed a national security memorandum on Tuesday establishing a vetting center aimed at improving the screening process of those who want to enter the U.S, Politico reports.
“Border and immigration security are essential to ensuring the safety, security and prosperity of the United States,” the president said in the memorandum. “I am, therefore, directing the establishment of a National Vetting Center (Center) subject to the oversight and guidance of a National Vetting Governance Board (Board), to coordinate the management and governance of the national vetting enterprise.”
The directive doesn’t establish new authorities or call for new funding, according to a CNN report released Monday. The center is to be finalized within six months.
Developing it will be a combined effort of the Department of Homeland Security, the State Department, the attorney general and the director of national intelligence. Their job is “to identify individuals who present a threat to national security, border security, homeland security or public safety,” according to the statement.