
Edward Snowden: CIA’s Gina Haspel guilty on ‘torture’

US Materials 13 March 2018 22:23 (UTC +04:00)

Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who started a whistleblowing nightmare for America’s government, reacted with swift outrage to President Donald Trump’s pick for Mike Pompeo’s CIA replacement, The Washington Times reports.

On Twitter, Snowden wrote of Gina Haspel: “The new CIA director was a key part of the torture program and its illegal cover-up. Her name was on the Top Secret order demanding the destruction of tapes to prevent them being seen by Congress. Incredible.”

In other words: Snowden doesn’t approve.

Snowden fled America a few years ago, after releasing sensitive and classified information about the federal government’s surveillance programs.

He’s since been living in Russia, with extradition protection.

