
Azerbaijani MP: Armenia's territorial claims against Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia leads to economic setback in this country

Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict Materials 23 June 2010 17:54 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, June 23 / Trend T.Hajiyev /

The scarcity of natural resources, holding of the militaristic policy and territorial claims made by Armenia against Azerbaijan, Turkey and Georgia have led this country into economic regress, Azerbaijani MP Aydin Mirzazade said in an interview the ruling New Azerbaijan Party's (YAP) website . "Instead of building civilian country acting in the objective economic laws, and pursuing a policy of good neighborly relations with its neighbors, Armenia favors territorial claims on the neighboring countries," Mirzazade said.

To date, the Armenian army resembles a military police regime, Mirzazade said.

"Military service has become not an honor, but sorrow for the Armenian citizens. Cases of evasion of military service and the 'dedovshina' facts increase from year to year. One cannot talk about any sense of patriotism and high spirit," he said.

He said the weakness in financial security of the Armenian army leads to a weakening of the military spirit in the personnel ranks. The army is equipped with old weapons and law level products. Most of the funds allocated for the army from the state budget are in the hands of corrupt officials.

"But the main thing is that the Armenian soldiers and officers are not interested in occupation of the Azerbaijani lands. They think about how to survive economically and worry about it. The crisis in the country put an army in a bad situation," Mirzazade said.

Our army is an example of the power of the Azerbaijani state and the pride of our people. The Azerbaijani army is able to ensure the territorial integrity of our state.

"According to the evaluation of the international military research centers, our army is the most prepared and is the power that has the most modern structure in the region. All this is an indication that our army meets the latest standards. This fact is also known to Armenia, which occupied 20 percent of our territories and which has territorial claims on neighboring countries," Mirzazade said.

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