France, Strasbourg 19 January / corr Trend A.Maharramli / The South Caucasus countries suffer from the unsettled conflicts, Lydie Polferm, an author of the European Parliament's report on "The European Union's More Effective with respect to south Caucasus: Transition from Promises to Actions", sad in an exclusive interview for Trend.
She said that the South Caucasus countries inherited the conflicts from the Soviet period. The Nagorno-Karabakh conflict particularly complicates the relations between Azerbaijan and Armenia, poses threats to security in the region.
With this respect Polferm offers to use rich experience of the EU. "I hope the conflicting sides will soon resolve the problem. The settlement of the conflict is important for both countries and population of the region, particularly, refugees who have been living in poor conditions for over 10 years," the diplomat said.
Polferm said that the attempts taken for use of force resolution of the conflict would be the most terrible decision. The victory through force will be never firm or establish political stability in the region.
Polferm especially stressed the necessity of seeking compromises with respect to solve conflicts. "We support the mediation efforts by the OSCE Minsk Group, while the EU can render feasible assistance so that the sides could go to proximity and dialogue. The EU has no intention to dictate its initiatives, but simply offers its experience for use in such situations," Polferm said.