We present to the readers of Trend an article about the First Lady of Azerbaijan Mehriban Aliyeva, which was published in the prestigious Turkish First Business magazine.
In the August issue of the prestigious Turkish FirstBusiness magazine, was published an extensive article in English and Turkish by the Azerbaijani MP Ganira Pashayeva, dedicated to the First Lady of Azerbaijan, member of parliament, Head of Azerbaijan-US Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, President of Friends of Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, President of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Goodwill Delegate of UNESCO and ISESCO Mehriban Aliyeva. It should be noted that being published in a large circulation, the FirstBusiness magazine is one of the famous magazines not only in Turkey, but also outside the country. The article in detail reflects many-sided activities of Mehriban Aliyeva.
History is the reality which determines positions and fate of everyone in life. For this reason, the roles are neither great nor little. Everyone may write the books of their own lives in accordance with their personal responsibilities and their perception levels regarding these responsibilities. In this book; a flow, where everyone has built a constitutive or destructive role on their own personal lives and entirely in the world, exists.
Whoever you are, you have to be yourself -here is the basic meaning of our lives. Making efforts in order to undertake roles of others, play the personalities of others are meaningless. This is because; each person and his/her position in the world is unique and especial.
Mehriban Aliyeva
It is a reality that her position in the world and her role, which she has undertaken, possess a unique and especial character as well. Mehriban Aliyeva - The First Lady of Azerbaijan, member of parliament, Azerbaijan-US Inter-Parliamentary Friendship Group, President of Heydar Aliyev Foundation, President of Friends of Azerbaijan Culture Foundation, President of Azerbaijan Gymnastics Federation, Goodwill Delegate of UNESCO and ISESCO, Doctor of Science in philosophy branch, and a mother who has raised three excellent children!
When her services, which she has rendered not only for Azerbaijan but also for Turkish world, Islamic world and entirely for our world and humanity, are taken into consideration; it will be understood that she is actually the unrivalled female leader of the Turkish and Islamic world.
Mehriban Aliyeva, few days ago, has been nominated to the award of "Great Woman of the 21st Century". The fact that the persons, who have nominated her as candidate, are citizens of Canada is evaluated as a proof for appreciation of Mehriban Aliyeva's studies by international public opinion.
The Board of Directors members of Universal Humanitarian Values International Center of Canada, during their application to the President of the American Biographical Institute, Evans; have nominated Mehriban Aliyeva to the award of "Great Woman of the 21st Century". The Board of Directors members of the Center, during this recommendation, have underlined the contribution by Mehriban Aliyeva for development of her own country's cultural values as well as her contribution for convergence between the East and West cultures. While the owners of the recommendation draw attention to great works in which she has succeeded for various fields as well as to studies which she carries out in international basis; they have emphasized that they believe that She is the most appropriate candidate of the award in the relevant branch.
The statements in the application letter are as follows: "Organization of Azerbaijan Mugam Days in Niagara and establishment of the Silk Road Commission within the scope of Regulatory Board for the Niagara Festival by the attempts of the Esteemed Mrs Aliyeva, are deemed as significant events for the cultural life of Northern America. By taking into consideration of her contributions to the music and entirely, cultures of the countries located at the historical Silk Road; the most important award of the Niagara Festival - the Golden Rose Peace Award, which symbolizes a person who has undertaken a positive mission as providing convergence and integration among the cultures and civilizations of the world, has been presented to the Esteemed Mrs. Aliyeva..."
The other application, which has been made to the American Biographical Institute within the context of the recommendation for including the First Lady of Azerbaijan to the list named as "Great Women of the 21st Century", has been signed by the Mayor of Niagara, Gerri Borrou. It is a reality that the life, studies of Mehriban Aliyeva as well as her point of view for the world, serve as a an marvelous example for young ladies and women. She performs activities with great self-sacrifice in order to provide recognition and adoption of Turkish and Muslim women all around the world in the highest level. Mrs. Mehriban Aliyeva makes a distinguished name for herself by her beauty, intelligence, life-style and studies not only in Europe and Western Countries but also in the East.
Some time ago, during her visit to London together with the Esteemed President of Azerbaijan, Mr. llham Aliyev; some western press organs have compared her with the First Ladies of France and the United Kingdom, and they have reached the opinion that Mehriban Aliyeva is more outstanding than these First Ladies. This is because; Mehriban Aliyeva is very well known and recognized before the world public opinion not only as a beautiful and an epicure First Lady but also by her comprehensive humanistic studies which she carries out without a break. Moreover, Mehriban Aliyeva is also a mother who has raised three excellent children. We greatly witnessed the fact that she has created very good impressions in favor of Azerbaijan during the visits to foreign countries. We always heard positive words about the First Lady of Azerbaijan from the worldwide famous politicians who have made conversations with her and persons, who have negotiated with her and perform activities in social and cultural fields. We witnessed that almost all completed their statements with these expressions: "Azerbaijan is a very lucky country!" This is an undeniable reality.
When a famous frontwoman of one of the television channels of Turkey said "My First Lady" while she was talking about Mehriban Aliyeva at her programme; I was very proud of that.