
Efforts on resolving Iranian nuclear crisis raise it to nuclear status

Politics Materials 22 July 2011 16:54 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, July 22 / Trend T. Konyayeva /

All manners of resolving the Iranian nuclear crisis recently proposed by Tehran, the IAEA, and the UN Security Council member-states do not resolve the problem, but merely delay the process necessary for Iran to continue the nuclear progress, experts said.

"We are not talking about solving problems, but delaying the process", the president of the Middle East Institute Yevgeny Satanovsky told Trend via e-mail. "It is extremely useful for approaching the nuclear status of Iran, but completely useless for the world community."

On July 19, Iran's Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said that Tehran will study Russia's proposal upon receiving it.

On July 14, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said a step-by-step approach should be used to end international doubts over Iran's nuclear program.

Lavrov noted that every time Tehran satisfactorily answered a question or concern of the IAEA, it should be rewarded, including freezing some sanctions and shortening the volume of others.

On July 12 Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar Salehi and General Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Yukiya Amano agreed to form a group consisting of Iranian and Agency experts that could work out a mechanism for further negotiations around the Iranian nuclear program.

Satanovsky said that one can hardly consider the meeting results between Salehi and Amano effective.

"Conversations about how to talk about the talks is an accurate indicator of the meeting results into Russian", he said - "Beautiful words about nothing, while those who make bombs continue to do so."

Director of the Russian Center for Public Policy Research Vladimir Evseev thinks that the crisis over Iran's nuclear program will be enhanced because a real way out of this situation is not being offered.

"The IAEA must be a body of technical control and cease acting as a political body that fulfills the will of any international community," a member of Trend Expert Council Evseev said.

A certain split in the UN Security Council in various areas: the Middle East Quartet, Syria, and a significant lack of understanding on Libya affects the politicization of the nuclear agency, he said.

"In these terms, it is impossible to solve the Iranian nuclear issue," Evseev said.

As an example of Tehran's inadequate position, the expert called the establishment of mining launchers and launching long-range missiles to the Indian Ocean.

"From a military point of view, the establishment of launchers have no sense for Iran, because these plants have a fixed location, determined accurately by means of technical, space reconnaissance means," Evseev said.

It is extremely problematic to imitate, that is to create false mines and to place nothing in it. Iran will gain nothing in terms of misinformation.

At the same time, he thinks that Iran may provoke Israel and the U.S to strike at these facilities.

"But in fact the main bets are made on mobile deployment, rather than mine launchers, Evseev said. "Why does Iran say what it does not really need? Is it pure provocation?"

Five Shahab missiles, including four medium-range and one long-range,
were successfully launched by Iran as part of the Great Prophet-6
military exercises in late June.

The representatives of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) stressed that the missiles are ready to hit the target in case of danger, and specified that the number of these facilities is numerous in the country.

On the other hand, the statement of one of the IRGC commanders to launch two long-range missiles to the Indian Ocean provokes military actions against Iran especially amid the difficult relations with Arab countries, Evseev said.

"From a military point of view, it was not necessary to shoot at a distance," he said. "One could shoot at shorter range, but on Iranian territory. In fact, it is also provocative."

On July 9, Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh announced that February this year, Iran has made the launch of two ballistic missiles of long radius at 1,900 kilometers from the city of Semnan to the Indian Ocean.

Hajizadeh added that the U.S had the data on missiles, but did not spread the information.

He said that the Iranian side got permission to test missiles in the same area, which is declared closed at the time of testing.

The expert thinks that Tehran's recent statements on its achievements say that Iran contributes to increased politicization of the IAEA.

"On the other hand, the refusal to let inspectors of the agency into the country, to provide full information, to apply the amended Code 3.1 of the Agreement with the IAEA on using guarantees also promotes the negative attitude of the agency, especially the current
leadership, toward Iran," he said.

In fact, there is a bilateral process of intensifying the crisis.

"It is impossible to find a way out of the deadlock in these terms," he said. "The Iranian nuclear crisis will go towards an escalation because none of sides are ready to any compromise. In this approach, I see no possibility of solving the Iranian nuclear issue."

Tehran said that it is ready to resume talks with the "Six" (the five permanent UN Security Council members and Germany), but only after its right to enrich uranium is recognized.

The last round of talks between six countries and Iran in Geneva in December 2010 and in Istanbul in January 2011 have not given significant results.

The U.S. and other Western countries accuse Iran of developing nuclear weapons under cover of peaceful nuclear energy program. Tehran denies the charges, saying its nuclear program is exclusively peaceful. So far, the UN Security Council has adopted six resolutions to stop
Iran's nuclear program and uranium enrichment process. Four of these resolutions provide for economic sanctions against the country.

Iran continues to accelerate volumes of low-enriched uranium , despite tightening international sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran, a confidential report by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on May 24 said.

According to the document, the volumes of low-enriched uranium accumulated by Iran since 2007 reached 4.1 tons. It has reached 0.5 tons times that which was recorded in February. According to experts, this volume of low-enriched uranium (in case of its further enrichment) is enough to produce at least two atomic bombs.

Iran began testing and installing a new generation of speedier and high-quality centrifuges, Iranian foreign minister spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast sad on July 19.

Earlier, in June, the Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran Fereidoun Abbasi announced that Iran is going to install 164-centrifuge cascades of new generation machines soon and to triple the production of 20-percent enriched uranium.

In November 2009, Iran announced about its plan to build ten new enrichment plants to in its territory.

