Azerbaijna, Baku, July 26/Trend corr. T.Konyayeva/
A meeting of foreign ministers of Russia and Iran will not move off dead point stalled negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, but despite this, it is necessary to continue to talk to Tehran, the president believes the Middle East Institute Yevgeny Satanovsky.
"These negotiations and meetings are an opportunity for the Iranians to delay the time - said to Trend on the phone Satanovsky. - I do not personally expect from this meeting, as, indeed, none at all from any other meetings as Lavrov Salehi, and other ministers ".
On Sunday, July 24, it was reported that Russian Foreign Minister invited his Iranian counterpart to pay an official visit to Moscow. Sergei Lavrov plans to exchange with Ali Akbar Salehi views on bilateral relations, discuss regional and international developments, as well as his proposed plan of "phased" solution to the Iranian nuclear issue.
Earlier, on July 14, Lavrov proposed a phased approach to address the question of the international community regarding Iran's nuclear program.
Under the proposal, each time when Tehran satisfactorily answer the question or concern of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), it should be encouraged, including freeze some sanctions.
According to Satanovsky, Iran, to decide on the transition to nuclear status long ago, and this decision was not made spontaneously.
"Iran is implementing this decision, and based on what we know about Iran, it certainly comes to nuclear status - he said. - How it will all end - a regional war, a war with Israel, conventional or nuclear, war with Saudi Arabia - we do not know. "
Satanovsky believes that the statements of the Saudi Prince Turki al-Faisal on the establishment of a nuclear bomb after the Iranians, "to put it mildly, does not inspire optimism."
"Turki al-Faisal said no such things spontaneously, and the time such statements blurt it shows the existence of such intentions. What if today we can say," - he said.
In late June, the Prince of Saudi Arabia Turki al-Faisal warned that if Iran develop a nuclear bomb, his country would be forced to start producing its weapons of mass destruction, told The Guardian.
"We can not live in a time when Iran has its own nuclear weapons, but we do not. It's very simple. If Iran develop a nuclear bomb, we will follow his example," - he said.
Nevertheless, says Russian expert, to speak with Iran is necessary.
"We can either break off all relations with Iran, which is completely pointless and not constructive, or most of their support in trying to understand at least that Iran intends to do in either case that they have in mind, where he will go after receive product [nuclear weapons], that is definitely going to happen within 2-3.5 years maximum, "- he said.
Tehran says ready to resume talks with the "Six" (the five permanent members of the Security Council (SC) Council and Germany), but only after the recognition of its right to enrich uranium.
The talks in Geneva in December 2010 and in Istanbul in January 2011 between six countries and Iran have not given significant results.
Several Western countries including the U.S., fear that Iran is using its nuclear program to develop nuclear weapons. But Tehran rejects the accusations, claiming that all its nuclear activities are entirely peaceful and aimed at ensuring the country's needs for electricity and for medical purposes.
So far, the UN Security Council to suspend the nuclear program of Iran was adopted six resolutions, four of which involve economic and some political sanctions against Iran.
According to Satanovsky, it is useless to frighten the Iranians, who year after year, continue its nuclear development, ignoring the six UN Security Council resolutions.
"As it is tragic, but I believe that nothing but the military option does not exist in Iran's nuclear program in terms of its real stop - he said. - There is no choice between good and bad decision, the choice is between a bad option quite a catastrophe and apocalypse in general. "
Lavrov, said Satanovsky, performs the diplomatic work that can, and does it as professionally as part of the possibilities that it has given them to the same limitations.
"It's hard to deal with people from another era, but it is definitely so, because Iran has other political calendar, Iran - a country equipped to fight, he different from the Western community priorities - he said. - Speaking today to the Iranians must, at least, in order to maintain contact with Iran after it gets nuclear weapons. "